The Federalist Cabernet Sauvignon Lodi-2018 750ML


It was time to break away from convention. From those that would say things like "Make sure your structure is firm and your acidity is lively.” It was time to create something to call our own. A wine for the people. So, we brought forth a union of wines unshackled by the past, yet deeply rooted in the American ideal of “Whatever I’m drinking should taste good dammit.” Distinctly American craft wines wrought with as much character and bold spirits as the figures that don every bottle. Born from the virtues of every forward-thinking, hard-working, red-blooded American, this is The Federalist; this is American craft wine. 

The Federalist's vineyards are located in Sonoma County, California, and sourced from 100% estate grown new vines on the estate


Purplish red in appearance. Aromas of berries, tart cherry, sweet oak, and cinnamon exude from the glass. Nice entrance on the palate, medium weight with a lingering finish and a great grasp from the tannins.