Blue Ice Vodka - 750ML

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Blue Ice Vodka - 750ML

Blue Ice Vodka is handcrafted in Idaho and made from premium, all-natural ingredients. Blue Ice Vodka uses continuous column distillation, combined with a patented five-stage filtration process making it among the purest products in the marketplace, today; leading to a gold medal at the 2014 San Francisco Spirits Competition and 94 points from the Beverage Testing Institute.

Founded in 2002, Blue Ice Vodka is the #1 selling handcrafted, premium, American, potato vodka in the country. Blue Ice was designed for the vodka purist, with a refined palate, using only the highest level of ingredients: Idaho Russet Potatoes and pristine water sourced from the largest volcanic aquifer in the country. Blue Ice Vodka does not add sugar and is certified gluten-free and Non-GMO.