Collection: Sauvignon Blanc Wine - Sauvignon Blanc Wine Online

Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety that comes from the Bordeaux region of France. Their wild-looking leaves and is a spinoff of the French word, "sauvage," ("wild") and "blanc" ("white") due to its initial beginnings as an native grape in South West France. Planted mainly in eight regions, producing a sharp, dry, and invigorating white wine. The grape is also a element of the sweet dessert wines from Sauternes. The flavors you get from this sweet white wine depend largely on the region from which its grapes grow range from insistently greener flavors of grass to sweetly sultry. For instance, the humid climates of Napa usually make sauvignons that are incredibly acidic and hearty, while sweeter more fruity flavors the cooler climates of Australia with tropical fruit tones but losing much scent from been too ripe.